2025 International Conference on Digital Education and Information Technology (DEIT 2025)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Topic 1: Digital Education Technology and Application innovation

Topic 2: Application of Information Technology in educational 

Management and evaluation

Intelligent education system and adaptive learning technology

Ai-driven educational analysis and teaching personalization

Virtual Reality (VR) and augmented Reality (AR) in education

The application of blockchain technology in digital 

educational resource management

The application of Internet of Things (IoT) in smart campus

Big data analytics in education

Teaching strategy optimization based on learning analysis

Design and implementation of e-Learning Management System (LMS)

The prospects and challenges of 5G technology in education

Development of digital teaching materials and interactive multimedia 

learning resources

Mixed reality (MR) technology in vocational education

Application of natural language Processing (NLP) to educational assessment

The technical architecture and application cases of intelligent classroom

Educational resource sharing platform based on cloud computing

Data-driven education prediction model and decision support system

Collection, management and analysis of educational big data

Application and influence of artificial intelligence in education 


Technology solutions for campus security and privacy protection

Development and optimization of intelligent student 

management system

Integration and interoperation of educational administration system

Intelligent evaluation of teaching behavior and learning effect

Teacher performance evaluation and feedback system based on data

Educational resource management supported by information technology

Construction standards and evaluation system of smart campus

Courseware making and evaluation tool based on information technology

Intelligent monitoring and evaluation of educational policy 

implementation effect

Real-time educational data analysis and decision support system

IT infrastructure in K-12 education

Strategic planning and implementation path of educational 


Interdepartmental education data integration and sharing technology